Improper outdoor burning can lead to fines up to $25,000.
Burn permits are now granted by the Forestry Department.
Call (423) 775-0151
A permit will be issued to burn the following items if grown on site: Leaves, branches, tree limbs, twigs or lawn clippings.
Anyone burning the following items will be cited to court.
Tires and other rubber products, vinyl siding, vinyl shingles, plastics and other synthetic materials, paper products, cardboard, newspaper, asphalt shingles, other asphalt roofing materials, demolition debris, materials containing asbestos, paints, household chemicals, agricultural chemicals, aerosol cans, food cans, building material, construction debris, buildings, mobile homes, copper wire, electrical wire, household trash, leaves, branches, trees not grown on site.
Visit for more information.